Tuesday 31 May 2011

What I Did Instead Of A Gig Review

Saturday night I was planning on going to United Fruit's album launch at Bloc. However, best laid plans did go array and my lovely wife (grovel grovel) wanted to go home instead. So no gig review on Saturday night.

Did Sunday go any better? Not 100% as due to extreme lack of funding I had to forgo Penguins Kill Polar Bears gig at The Captain's Rest. Not wanted to be undone by something as inconvenient as an empty wallet, I headed along to Brel to hear the dulcet tones of Louis Abbot (he of Admiral Fallow fame) playing a selection of cover versions. It is somewhat unfair to review what is essentially karaoke, so I won't, but it was a fine selection of songs including Fleetwood Mac's Everywhere, Bob Dylan's Mama You've Been On My Mind, and my personal favourite Bruce Springstein's Dancing In The Dark.

Louis Abbot's vocal's are always good, and Abbot preserved through 'popping' guitar noises, to entertain us with moral tales of seagulls, flashing polka dot socks, and recommending Duvel Green beer. The only thing missing was Courtney Cox being pulled up on stage. Sigh...


  1. I won't rub it in by mentioning that United Fruit was brilliant then...

  2. That would be like prodding a fly after you've pulled it's wings off.
